The nervous system works like an electrical grid.
Without normal motor nerve function, muscles cannot function properly.
Muscle function is proportional to nerve function.
Without normal motor nerve function, muscles cannot function properly.
Muscle function is proportional to nerve function.
progressive nerve power from 0% to 100%
motor and sensory function of the nervous system
muscle function via the spinal nerve
The locomotor system

The neuro-muscular power of the body is sequenced from the brain through the spinal cord and spinal nerves from the center to the periphery. If the neuro-muscular power is insufficient, postural equilibrium is compromised. Without normal neuro-muscular power, a pathological process begins. Soft tissue pathology (muscles and tendons) and joint pathology. Once the neuro-muscular power is restored, the postural equilibrium is restored and the pathological process is blocked. Neuro-muscular power and postural equilibrium are essential to prevent muscle and tendon problems and also joint pathology to preserve cartilage, discs, menisci and ligaments.
The positive benefit is to maintain coordination, resistance and stability in any postural activity in everyday life.
The positive benefit is to maintain coordination, resistance and stability in any postural activity in everyday life.
Spontaneous muscle pain
Above are some common examples of spontaneous muscle pain when neuro-muscular power is insufficient.
Muscles are not only a mirror of accumulation of tension in the nervous system but also accumulated postural fatigue (wear and tear) and after-effects of trauma. Therefore another part of the domino effect of the evolution of the pathology is that the muscles involved begin to form "trigger zones" caused by the irritation of their nerves at the spine. The affected muscles can create spontaneous pain when activated (used) or simply when sitting or lying on the affected muscle.
Spontaneous nerve pain
Spontaneous joint pain
The photos below show the physical injuries of the soft articular tissues which develop as a result of a chronic dysfunction of the locomotor system.

- The disc at the top is normal, and resistant to postural use. Can be trusted.
The second disc is damaged, you can see the tear on the back. It's a disc protusion. Ćis risk of spontaneous pain. It cannot be trusted.
The third disc is severely damaged. It is torn from the back to the front. It's a herniated disc. It cannot be trusted.
The bottom disc is dark. It is an old healed hernia with scar. It is able to resist normal postural movements. Can be trusted.

- The disc on top has a slight disc disease.
There are two small lacerations, the prelude to macro lesions. It cannot be trusted.
The second disc is in a state of severe disc disease. The disc was mechanically destroyed and the white part in the vertebra above and below the lesion is the consequence of a chronic postural dysfunction on the bone. It cannot be trusted.
The lower disc is an old protusion which has now healed, creating a scar. Can be trusted.
Normal nerve power is essential for normal neuro-muscular function. Absence is a dysfunction. Normal postural activity in a state of neuro-muscular dysfunction may not in itself be painful. But it might feel like something is wrong. Normal postural activity in this state of neuro-muscular insufficiency begins the pathological process described above. The dysfunction at first begins to irritate, spontaneously creating an infrequent usually slight pain. If this developing pathology is not treated, eventually a more severe and frequent pain appears.
What has been described above is called the locomotor system and its potential for pathology. Hence, the accumulation of major or minor trauma added to the daily postural wear and tear of this system will create an eventual pathology in 80% of humanity. What do you think you would feel if you neglected your teeth for 20 years or more. Pain is a warning that there is a pathological process in progress. Painkillers can hide the pathological process but cannot solve it. Physical intervention is required to stop the pathological process to stop the pain. The sooner you intervene, the easier it is to get the pathology under control. If you want to read other people's experiences click on the button.