...Pain is a warning...
It is the fastest way for our body to get our attention. The more intense the pain, the faster it is taken seriously. In the locomotor system, pain signals a loss of the normal biomechanics and neurophysiology, with or without physical lesion. Consider any disease process in the body. A painful tooth, gallbladder pain, painful heart, back pain, painful anything .... pain is a normal warning of pathology in progress. Pain in the head, neck, shoulder, arm, back or leg has a cause. A palliative drug treatment may eliminate the symptoms, especially at the beginning of the pathology, but will not eliminate the underlying problem. Hiding the pain with palliatives risks to underestimate the disease process under way. A simple and easy to resolve physiological dysfunction could evolve into a much more problematic and chronic physical lesion soft articular tissues. A small problem is easier to resolve than a big one.
The Chiropractor cares for your locomotor system with the same philosophy as a dentist cares for your teeth. Once a painful crisis is resolved with intensive therapy, ongoing prevention at home and in the clinic is recommended to reduce risk of relapse. As with any health problem you need to do a physical exam and perhaps other additional clinical exams to better understand the problem causing your symptoms. The only way to resolve the effect is to cure the cause. To better understand why it hurts click here.