The short leg syndrome

There are two types of discrepancy in the length of the leg. True and functional. Both types are the "short leg syndrome." The treatment indicated depends on which of the two types are present. But, could you have a combination of both types?
The true short leg
A true discrepancy in the length of the leg is caused by the fact that one of the legs does not grow enough or that one of the legs grows too quickly. When the legs are measured from a fixed point of the body to another fixed point, there is a difference in measurement. The problem exists when one of the bones of one leg is shorter than the corresponding bone of the other leg. The true short leg could require a lift to reduce mechanical dysfunction and eventual pathology.
The functional short leg
A functional discrepancy in leg length does not involve legs of unequal lengths. This type of short leg syndrome have an underlying neurophysiological and biomechanical cause. While in the legs - when measured from a fixed point - they are the same size - when measured from a lying position - will result in one leg shorter than the other. You might notice this thing in the hem of a dress that looks shorter on one side or a pant leg that seems longer. This is often caused by a torsion of the pelvis which is a compensation caused by a problem there at the pelvis or at a distantance, such as an ankle, or the cervical spine.
The concequences
The short leg syndrome has consequences. There is a loss of normal function. This disturbed physiological equilibrium begins a slow pernicious pathology, a series of continuous adaptation with chronic irritation of the nerves, muscles and articular tissue within the locomotor system. To make the concept easier to understand one must consider what happens to a car that is driven "out of alignment". What happens when your body is operated out of alignment? The page, A LAST RESORT explains the global context of this common problem.
A functional discrepancy in leg length is handled by treating loss of neurophysiological and biomechanical equilibrium by manipulation while a real discrepancy in leg length may require a lift. Manipulation can also be used to relieve the pain caused by a real discrepancy in length while the body is adapting to the insertion of a lift. Overall, you have need a correct diagnosis to receive the correct treatment.
The true short leg
A true discrepancy in the length of the leg is caused by the fact that one of the legs does not grow enough or that one of the legs grows too quickly. When the legs are measured from a fixed point of the body to another fixed point, there is a difference in measurement. The problem exists when one of the bones of one leg is shorter than the corresponding bone of the other leg. The true short leg could require a lift to reduce mechanical dysfunction and eventual pathology.
The functional short leg
A functional discrepancy in leg length does not involve legs of unequal lengths. This type of short leg syndrome have an underlying neurophysiological and biomechanical cause. While in the legs - when measured from a fixed point - they are the same size - when measured from a lying position - will result in one leg shorter than the other. You might notice this thing in the hem of a dress that looks shorter on one side or a pant leg that seems longer. This is often caused by a torsion of the pelvis which is a compensation caused by a problem there at the pelvis or at a distantance, such as an ankle, or the cervical spine.
The concequences
The short leg syndrome has consequences. There is a loss of normal function. This disturbed physiological equilibrium begins a slow pernicious pathology, a series of continuous adaptation with chronic irritation of the nerves, muscles and articular tissue within the locomotor system. To make the concept easier to understand one must consider what happens to a car that is driven "out of alignment". What happens when your body is operated out of alignment? The page, A LAST RESORT explains the global context of this common problem.
A functional discrepancy in leg length is handled by treating loss of neurophysiological and biomechanical equilibrium by manipulation while a real discrepancy in leg length may require a lift. Manipulation can also be used to relieve the pain caused by a real discrepancy in length while the body is adapting to the insertion of a lift. Overall, you have need a correct diagnosis to receive the correct treatment.