The first visit to our clinic is usually the last resort after everything else has failed. The following testimonials are the experiences of patients treated for complicated and chronic problems due to the loss of their normal neurophysiological and biomechanical locomotor equilibrium. Loss of locomotor equilibrium is caused by the accumulation of normal daily postural use, residuals of recent or past trauma, stress, and the normal ageing process. The awareness of the pathological cause of symptoms and proper care and management of the pathology by following the treatment plan prescribed, both in the clinic, and at home, work and play allows recovery and reduces the risk of a symptomatic relapse.

26 years ago I underwent a herniated disc surgery in the L5-S1 area. After the surgery, my back has always been more delicate and in need of attention. One year after surgery, the pain returned and was quite constant. I learned about chiropractic and in particular dr. Brennan from family. He restored the neuromuscular function of my back in and since then I have not suffered like that anymore.
About 10 years later a good friend of mine who after about a year of frequent suffering, I was able to finally convince him to go to dr. Brennan for his disc hernia. His problem was quickly solved.
In my opinion chiropractic is a practice that solves the symptoms of a problem, but does not always have the possibility to remove the cause.
Eleven years ago I moved to the United States and now live in Los Angeles. I must say that living here the management of my back is more problematic. These years of living in LA I have had the experience of care by about 10 different chiropractors while searching for one who integrates kinesiology in his work. So far no luck. It seems that a few weeks after treatment I have to return for another treatment.
Instead, whenever I am treated by dr. Brennan, I am fine for 6/10 months because he not only "treats my bones" but also controls my neuromuscular balance. I feel this instills longevity to the benefits of my treatment. Unfortunately, now this only happens when I come back to Italy every 3, 4 or 5 years.
Interesting that for the last few years I always woke up at 4am to go to urinate, but five days ago dr. Brennan treated me and the usual ritual has not happened yet. You will wonder what the relevance is to my back pain. I do not see any logical relevance (among other things I haven't mentioned) but this shows that a check up is not limited only to your back. It's like taking a car to make a complete tune up after 30,000km.
Mr. A.R. Los Angeles (USA)
About 10 years later a good friend of mine who after about a year of frequent suffering, I was able to finally convince him to go to dr. Brennan for his disc hernia. His problem was quickly solved.
In my opinion chiropractic is a practice that solves the symptoms of a problem, but does not always have the possibility to remove the cause.
Eleven years ago I moved to the United States and now live in Los Angeles. I must say that living here the management of my back is more problematic. These years of living in LA I have had the experience of care by about 10 different chiropractors while searching for one who integrates kinesiology in his work. So far no luck. It seems that a few weeks after treatment I have to return for another treatment.
Instead, whenever I am treated by dr. Brennan, I am fine for 6/10 months because he not only "treats my bones" but also controls my neuromuscular balance. I feel this instills longevity to the benefits of my treatment. Unfortunately, now this only happens when I come back to Italy every 3, 4 or 5 years.
Interesting that for the last few years I always woke up at 4am to go to urinate, but five days ago dr. Brennan treated me and the usual ritual has not happened yet. You will wonder what the relevance is to my back pain. I do not see any logical relevance (among other things I haven't mentioned) but this shows that a check up is not limited only to your back. It's like taking a car to make a complete tune up after 30,000km.
Mr. A.R. Los Angeles (USA)

I contacted Dr. Brennan thanks to an acquaintance.
Since I was 13/14 I have always suffered from very strong headaches that often prevented me from leading a normal and peaceful life.
As soon as I could I began taking the contraceptive pill that allowed me to reduce the headache episodes to just the week of my cycle, but at then I still had to take a large quantity of pain medication.
I tried to consult various hospitals with specialized centers for the treatment of headaches where I remained in treatment for quite some time without getting any results, indeed increasing the use of drugs because, in addition to the usual painkillers, I took other medicines prescribed by them. To this were added attempts to understand whether the fact was due to particular foods that could provoke these crises (that is, diets without any result).
I was taken to the emergency room several times when the pain was so strong that no medicine helped.
I tried any kind of product (tablets, suppositories, bites, etc.) that I could find on the pharmaceutical market in order to weaken the headaches.
At that point I tried with acupuncture, which for a certain period of time helped, but unfortunately not lasting beneficial effects.
Then I tried with other medicines always under strict medical supervision but to no avail.
About three years ago (at the age of 50) they advised me not to take the pill anymore because my blood coagulation tests were not normal.
A new scenario was thus envisaged: a period of 9 months where every day (including vacation periods) I had a headache without being able to sleep peacefully a whole night.
When friends talked to me about chiropractic I was really very suspicious, having tried so many different therapies but never having positive results.
After the first two or three chiropractic sessions I experienced for the first time the wonderful feeling of not having pain for a certain consecutive period, and without having to take pain medication.
With subsequent sessions the situation has continued to improve, extending my pain free periods for months at a time.
Now it is just a year that I am being treated by dr. Brennan and I can assure you that I have never had such a prolonged period without having crises and violent pain.
For the first time in my life some of the medicines that I had previously purchased I had to throw away because they have expired.
I must also say that he is really a high level professional; he always explains very well what is happening, what he is doing and what problems he may encounter during the sessions and he is of a truly remarkable availability.
It's really important to me to share this experience of mine, I recommend everyone to try chiropractic and I personally recommend dr. Brennan who remains my lifeline.
Sig.ra P.C. Turate (CO)
Since I was 13/14 I have always suffered from very strong headaches that often prevented me from leading a normal and peaceful life.
As soon as I could I began taking the contraceptive pill that allowed me to reduce the headache episodes to just the week of my cycle, but at then I still had to take a large quantity of pain medication.
I tried to consult various hospitals with specialized centers for the treatment of headaches where I remained in treatment for quite some time without getting any results, indeed increasing the use of drugs because, in addition to the usual painkillers, I took other medicines prescribed by them. To this were added attempts to understand whether the fact was due to particular foods that could provoke these crises (that is, diets without any result).
I was taken to the emergency room several times when the pain was so strong that no medicine helped.
I tried any kind of product (tablets, suppositories, bites, etc.) that I could find on the pharmaceutical market in order to weaken the headaches.
At that point I tried with acupuncture, which for a certain period of time helped, but unfortunately not lasting beneficial effects.
Then I tried with other medicines always under strict medical supervision but to no avail.
About three years ago (at the age of 50) they advised me not to take the pill anymore because my blood coagulation tests were not normal.
A new scenario was thus envisaged: a period of 9 months where every day (including vacation periods) I had a headache without being able to sleep peacefully a whole night.
When friends talked to me about chiropractic I was really very suspicious, having tried so many different therapies but never having positive results.
After the first two or three chiropractic sessions I experienced for the first time the wonderful feeling of not having pain for a certain consecutive period, and without having to take pain medication.
With subsequent sessions the situation has continued to improve, extending my pain free periods for months at a time.
Now it is just a year that I am being treated by dr. Brennan and I can assure you that I have never had such a prolonged period without having crises and violent pain.
For the first time in my life some of the medicines that I had previously purchased I had to throw away because they have expired.
I must also say that he is really a high level professional; he always explains very well what is happening, what he is doing and what problems he may encounter during the sessions and he is of a truly remarkable availability.
It's really important to me to share this experience of mine, I recommend everyone to try chiropractic and I personally recommend dr. Brennan who remains my lifeline.
Sig.ra P.C. Turate (CO)

I am E.L. and I live in Puglia. I have been treated by dr. Brennan for over 15 years. Thanks to him I was able to resume a normal life. Before treatment I had a poor quality of life due to three disc protrusions in my neck and low back. Ten years ago I restarted competitive cycling and I feel reborn. I will never finish to give thanks and I recommend him to everyone I encounter with problems and have always received positive feedback. Complements to the quality of service and professionalism.
Mr. E. L. Lecce (LE)
Mr. E. L. Lecce (LE)

I recently had an opportunity to visit dr. Brennan in Italy during my European tour and found him to be an extremely effective chiropractor.
Using a range of quite interesting techniques, the results were immediate and long-lasting. Based on my experience with American chiropractor’s treatments, l have no hesitation in recommending Dr Brennan for successful chiropractic therapy.
Ms. D.P. Toronto (CA)
Using a range of quite interesting techniques, the results were immediate and long-lasting. Based on my experience with American chiropractor’s treatments, l have no hesitation in recommending Dr Brennan for successful chiropractic therapy.
Ms. D.P. Toronto (CA)

In 2003 I had an operation for a L5-S1 disc hernia which had extruded and migrated. I had terrible pain in my left leg, so bad that strong painkillers could not take away the pain.
After surgery on the advice of the surgeon I kept on a back brace for three months which I could take off only to sleep, the severe pain in the leg was gone, but a few months after the operation I began having continuous discomfort in the back.
It was suggested to swim doing backstroke with the only use of my arms. As time went on instead of having benefit from the swim sessions I became progressively more sore and stiff in my movements.
The orthopedist advised me spinal stabilising exercises and then finally spinal infiltration.
The pain became more and more insistent and disabling, so that I could no longer sleep with my legs straight, to turn around in bed was a source of stinging in the back. In the morning I had to "climb" to get out of bed, as well as not being able to stand upright for half an hour from the pain that I had.
On the advice of a friend, I turned (with discreet skepticism) to Dr. Brennan of Chiropractic Como.
At the first meeting, the doctor explained to me the problem of my back, reassuring me of a good result that he thought I would get.
I must say that after the first manipulation I felt better walking down the steps, which recently had given me some problem.
I continued my weekly prescribed treatments, then after a month less frequently, with a constant benefit from one visit to the next until today where I go to the Dr. Brennan once a year.
I should note that in my life I've always done a lot of sports, from cycling, football, running and even boxing, and because of the back problem I had come even to walk with difficulty.
Treatment at Sanrocco meant that I could return to running and compete in marathons (which are not really ideal with a bad back), The pain I had is a faded memory. For work I make long trips in the car without discomfort.
I must confess that when I go for my annual check-up with Dr. Brennan, maybe I have a tiny discomfort over one shoulder. Well, I do not say anything during the visit but he tells me: you have a little bit of tension here !!! but how does he do it??
I conclude by saying that for me to have encountered these professionals has meant regain a quality of life that I had long since lost.
Mr. D.G. Genoa (GE)
After surgery on the advice of the surgeon I kept on a back brace for three months which I could take off only to sleep, the severe pain in the leg was gone, but a few months after the operation I began having continuous discomfort in the back.
It was suggested to swim doing backstroke with the only use of my arms. As time went on instead of having benefit from the swim sessions I became progressively more sore and stiff in my movements.
The orthopedist advised me spinal stabilising exercises and then finally spinal infiltration.
The pain became more and more insistent and disabling, so that I could no longer sleep with my legs straight, to turn around in bed was a source of stinging in the back. In the morning I had to "climb" to get out of bed, as well as not being able to stand upright for half an hour from the pain that I had.
On the advice of a friend, I turned (with discreet skepticism) to Dr. Brennan of Chiropractic Como.
At the first meeting, the doctor explained to me the problem of my back, reassuring me of a good result that he thought I would get.
I must say that after the first manipulation I felt better walking down the steps, which recently had given me some problem.
I continued my weekly prescribed treatments, then after a month less frequently, with a constant benefit from one visit to the next until today where I go to the Dr. Brennan once a year.
I should note that in my life I've always done a lot of sports, from cycling, football, running and even boxing, and because of the back problem I had come even to walk with difficulty.
Treatment at Sanrocco meant that I could return to running and compete in marathons (which are not really ideal with a bad back), The pain I had is a faded memory. For work I make long trips in the car without discomfort.
I must confess that when I go for my annual check-up with Dr. Brennan, maybe I have a tiny discomfort over one shoulder. Well, I do not say anything during the visit but he tells me: you have a little bit of tension here !!! but how does he do it??
I conclude by saying that for me to have encountered these professionals has meant regain a quality of life that I had long since lost.
Mr. D.G. Genoa (GE)

In August 2004 my right leg started to hurt. After a few days I could walk only a few steps and then I had to stop because of the pain. After an MRI of the spinal column, I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and slippage of a vertebra. I turned then to an orthopaedist and physiatrist, who at my request for possible cures, prescribed painkillers and patience. Through a colleague learned of the existence of Chiropractic and then of the clinic in Como. I checked and found out that it was treatment by manipulation, but that is absolutely not true that "if you do not do well you will not do bad either." They are maneuvers that must be made by those who know what to do, otherwise there is risk of damage. I met then for the first time dr. Brennan in the autumn 2004. The first thing that he did was to explain, with a column of plastic in hand, what had happened to my spine, hence why I had pain. He did a physical exam to see where was my problem, saying that he "wanted to see if he could do something for me, or if I had to turn to surgery." I really appreciated this frank talk, because I am wary of those who question the possibilities of modern medicine. So he explained the course of care that he thought might be useful for me and the only thing he asked me was consistency, that is, to follow the prescribed treatment plan. I then started my care with a series of weekly treatments, then followed monthly, quarterly and now half-yearly. The visits are always accompanied by practical advice for daily life and I have never been proposed any expensive aids, but, depending on the case, a tennis ball or a hot water bottle. My benefits were immediately evident. More than ten years have now passed with no more shooting pains in the leg.
Mrs. B.G. Sassuolo (MO)
Mrs. B.G. Sassuolo (MO)

I am a medical physician of 51 years of age. I lived for over 10 years with back pain. Ever since I started to suffer, I have searched for alternatives to pharmaceuticals and in 2001, at age 38, I turned to Chiropractic Como, where at the first orthopedic examination I was diagnosed with postural dorsal-lumbar back pain. After the visit I did a tomogram of the lumbar spine, which showed a calcified herniated disk standing between L4-L5 and the reduction of the height of the intervertebral disc between L5-S1. I then began a series of chiropractic sessions, which helped me from the beginning to control the pain and muscle spasms without having to take medication. After the first 4-5 treatments, carried out in short space of time (about two weeks), I gradually reduced their frequency, but I never stopped completely. Currently I make an average of one session every 3-4 months, enough to control the symptoms and to resolve the contractures. Sometimes some of the manuvers are a bit annoying, but the benefits are that I receive are definitely important. Chiropractic has certainly given me a good possibility to help live better with my condition.
Dr. R.P. Montano Lucino (CO)
Dr. R.P. Montano Lucino (CO)

At age 19, I started to get the first headaches that became more and more frequent; until the diagnosis cluster headache with aura, then throbbing pain affecting one side of the head, intolerance to noise, nausea, vomiting, all associated with visual field defects.
The migraine attack struck up to twice a week, preventing the carrying out of normal everyday life. I began a long series of visits to specialists and drug therapies with little results. About 9 years ago by word of mouth, I learned of the center at Como and as a last resort I decided to try "if I do not do well it will not hurt me." So I started therapy with dr. Brennan made of manipulations and "suggestions" to do at home to maintain their benefits. For many years I have not had a migraine attack, I go to Como twice a year to the "check-up" maintenance. I would recommend chiropractic treatment to all and I take this opportunity to thank dr. Brennan.
Mrs. M.C. Pianello V.T. (PC)
The migraine attack struck up to twice a week, preventing the carrying out of normal everyday life. I began a long series of visits to specialists and drug therapies with little results. About 9 years ago by word of mouth, I learned of the center at Como and as a last resort I decided to try "if I do not do well it will not hurt me." So I started therapy with dr. Brennan made of manipulations and "suggestions" to do at home to maintain their benefits. For many years I have not had a migraine attack, I go to Como twice a year to the "check-up" maintenance. I would recommend chiropractic treatment to all and I take this opportunity to thank dr. Brennan.
Mrs. M.C. Pianello V.T. (PC)

At the age of 21 I began to have serious problems of the cervical spine that led to pain and severe dizziness that kept me at home for the day in which the attacks appeared.
After the first episodes I contacted a physiotherapist friend who, after several sessions, lessened the pain but only for a very short period after which the pain returned with the same intensity as before.
Thanks to the suggestion of a relative one morning I decided to contact the clinic in Como, and during the first visit with my x-rays, I started therapy with dr. Brennan. After a first round of intensive sessions became less frequent over time until now that, despite that my symptoms are completely gone, I make a "check-up" every 6 months for maintenance of my body. Although I am only 27 years old I thank infinitely chiropractic for helping me regain my health because otherwise I may have had to resort to hospitals and perhaps even the surgeon with their risks and high economic costs.
Mr. E.C. Cadorago (CO)
After the first episodes I contacted a physiotherapist friend who, after several sessions, lessened the pain but only for a very short period after which the pain returned with the same intensity as before.
Thanks to the suggestion of a relative one morning I decided to contact the clinic in Como, and during the first visit with my x-rays, I started therapy with dr. Brennan. After a first round of intensive sessions became less frequent over time until now that, despite that my symptoms are completely gone, I make a "check-up" every 6 months for maintenance of my body. Although I am only 27 years old I thank infinitely chiropractic for helping me regain my health because otherwise I may have had to resort to hospitals and perhaps even the surgeon with their risks and high economic costs.
Mr. E.C. Cadorago (CO)

I will be forever grateful to dr. Brennan in the true sense of the word for relieving me of the excruciating pain in the neck that plagued me for six months, usually at night, in the summer of 2012. My GP had prescribed me a cervical radiograph and then to medicate with Valium and Muscoril. I was then sent to a specialist, a physiatrist, who prescribed a customized action plan comprising: cycle of ten sessions of physiotherapy to relax the muscles, a cycle of 10 applications tens, a cycle of 10 laser treatments, medication in the evening (anxiolytic and muscle relaxant). Apart from the brief benefit from the physical therapy, I had to resort to the assumption of strong painkillers to be able to sleep a few hours at night (along with other "desperate" remedies at night, like a hot water bottle around the neck, a heating pad, and so on). This whole situation, the pain, the fog due to the drugs, disturbed my work performance (drowsiness, difficulty concentrating) as well as on my morale in general.
Through an acquaintance I came to know of the Chiropractic Center of Como. After a very accurate visit I started a series of sessions; after the third session I started to feel the benefit, to have no more pain at night. I seemed to return to the living. Other than that I found in the dr. Brennan an honest person (prescribing only the sessions required without thought to his economic benefit), calm, reassuring, and very warm considering my initial anxiety of suffering from a serious disease. If I were entrusted to the care of the Chiropractor earlier I would have saved months of unbearable pain and distress (because one asks, but then, if there is no remedy I must live all my life with this pain?). The skeptics say, seeing is believing. In my case, chiropractic was really the only treatment that has given me real and lasting benefits.
Ms. E.P. Besana Brianza (MB)
Through an acquaintance I came to know of the Chiropractic Center of Como. After a very accurate visit I started a series of sessions; after the third session I started to feel the benefit, to have no more pain at night. I seemed to return to the living. Other than that I found in the dr. Brennan an honest person (prescribing only the sessions required without thought to his economic benefit), calm, reassuring, and very warm considering my initial anxiety of suffering from a serious disease. If I were entrusted to the care of the Chiropractor earlier I would have saved months of unbearable pain and distress (because one asks, but then, if there is no remedy I must live all my life with this pain?). The skeptics say, seeing is believing. In my case, chiropractic was really the only treatment that has given me real and lasting benefits.
Ms. E.P. Besana Brianza (MB)

I am 49 years old, at the age of 27 I was diagnosed with a herniated disc L5-S1. The neurosurgeon consulted at the time advised me to do surgery.
I did the intervention convinced I had solved the problem. Indeed, for some years I suffered no pain, even subjecting my back to physical exertion and sports. At age 42 started to have a rather dull localized pain as before: the lower back in particular and along the entire right leg. The onset of pain did not seem to be caused by trauma or by a particular physical effort. I turned to my family doctor who in addition to prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory intramuscularly prescribed me to perform an MRI with contrast and then to see the neurosurgeon. The diagnosis of the specialist was obvious: relapse of disc hernia, with the advice to intervene surgically again without being sure of the resolution of the problem.
Word of mouth with a friend took me to the knowledge of the center in Como, and more specifically of dr. Brennan specialist in chiropractic and applied kinesiology.
After I underwent a thorough medical examination he advised me of a plan of weekly "manipulations". I began already after the first sessions to have the first benefits thus avoiding surgery.
Since then I continue to engage in physical activities without limits and spend too much time in the car. Every five months or so I go back into the clinic to put in line my neuromuscolo-skeletal apparatus. The interventions of dr. Brennan give me relief and he remains for me a great reference point.
Mr. A.V. Casatenovo (LC)
I did the intervention convinced I had solved the problem. Indeed, for some years I suffered no pain, even subjecting my back to physical exertion and sports. At age 42 started to have a rather dull localized pain as before: the lower back in particular and along the entire right leg. The onset of pain did not seem to be caused by trauma or by a particular physical effort. I turned to my family doctor who in addition to prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory intramuscularly prescribed me to perform an MRI with contrast and then to see the neurosurgeon. The diagnosis of the specialist was obvious: relapse of disc hernia, with the advice to intervene surgically again without being sure of the resolution of the problem.
Word of mouth with a friend took me to the knowledge of the center in Como, and more specifically of dr. Brennan specialist in chiropractic and applied kinesiology.
After I underwent a thorough medical examination he advised me of a plan of weekly "manipulations". I began already after the first sessions to have the first benefits thus avoiding surgery.
Since then I continue to engage in physical activities without limits and spend too much time in the car. Every five months or so I go back into the clinic to put in line my neuromuscolo-skeletal apparatus. The interventions of dr. Brennan give me relief and he remains for me a great reference point.
Mr. A.V. Casatenovo (LC)

I'll tell you that it is now more than 20 years that I frequent Chiropractic Como. The first time I Went I was in very bad physical condition. In more detail six months before I had a so-called "whiplash" and from that moment, even though I had been treated with anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers, I could not walk for more than ten minutes without pain. I could get up from a chair only leaning on the table. Already from the first sessions (they were weekly) I started to not feel any more pain and then I began to resume my normal life. Today I go to Como about once or twice a year for a control. Another positive aspect of the experience is advice received by dr. Brennan during sessions on how to maintain my results. I can therefore say that they are satisfied with this therapy because my joint and muscular problems have been solved without using any more painkillers or anti-inflammatories.
Mrs. M.B. Ferrara (FE)
Mrs. M.B. Ferrara (FE)

The first symptoms manifested themselves a few years ago, when I began to have frequent headaches that soon thereafter included dizziness and instability, as well as disorders of my digestive system. Initially I turned to my doctor who prescribed several tests from which were negative. I then began a long pilgrimage between different medical specialists (neurologist, dentists, ENT, ophthalmologists) which, however, found no disease. The physical ailments, meanwhile, persisted and were often debilitating, preventing me from performing normal daily activities. Even the drugs prescribed were ineffective.
One day an acquaintance with disorders similar to mine, spoke of the benefits he was receiving thanks to chiropractic. I decided to try this new road with the help of dr. Brennan. After several sessions and following the advice at home of dr. Brennan I slowly started to perceive the first significant improvements, until the disorders I suffered went slowly away. My benefits were: more relaxed muscles, nerves more relaxed, less tension in the neck and shoulders, disappearance of headaches and better digestion . Today I continue to undergo an annual chiropractic treatment by dr. Brennan for maintenance.
Mr. C.F. Cavaria con Premezzo (VA)
One day an acquaintance with disorders similar to mine, spoke of the benefits he was receiving thanks to chiropractic. I decided to try this new road with the help of dr. Brennan. After several sessions and following the advice at home of dr. Brennan I slowly started to perceive the first significant improvements, until the disorders I suffered went slowly away. My benefits were: more relaxed muscles, nerves more relaxed, less tension in the neck and shoulders, disappearance of headaches and better digestion . Today I continue to undergo an annual chiropractic treatment by dr. Brennan for maintenance.
Mr. C.F. Cavaria con Premezzo (VA)

I was 26 and had recently started my first daughter and, for the first time, back pain immobilised me. Some medicine, a couple of days of rest and the pain passed. Then for a few years I went to the gym three times a week to strengthen my back and abdominal muscles. Life continued with two other daughters, a significant weight gain and the time for the gym was the first sacrifice. Then the back pain crises started again. Like the first time I tried to rest for a few days, but it was often not possible. I laughed alone imagining someone who saw me walking, with the posture and the speed of a centenary ... but everything was bearable because it happened only once every two or three years.
Around fifty the crises became more frequent until the pain was almost continuous. There were days when the pain was so acute that I could not even lift a sheet of paper, so the treatment: almost continuous injections for the pain and inflammation, almost to the point of abuse to be able to walk a few steps and meet my commitments. Every morning I woke up tired after a night of repeatedly moving looking for a position that alleviated the pain, I used pillows placed under the legs, pelvis, shoulders to find the position at that time allowed me to endure pain and sleep.
I must confess that I consult a doctor only at the extreme but now desperate, I convince myself to go and my doctor prescribes physiotherapy. I try. So much effort, no results. Now more desperate then ever I go to the center at Como, to try chiropractic.
First meeting with dr. Brennan. After looking at the X-rays of my spine, he explained what causes pain and how chiropractic treats the cause, and specifies that when pain occurs it is because something is wrong, then we proceeded with the first treatment. For those who have not experienced it, I assure you that the treatment is not at all invasive or painful. I removed only my shoes, lying on the bed prone and supine, some movement with my arms and legs, then some light pressure, small wedges under my abdomen, pelvis, and it is all over in a few minutes. I do not think anything has changed. In the evening at home I have a feeling of exhaustion, I go to sleep ... and in the morning I wake up after a night of continuous sleep rested! It is not possible! After just one treatment my life has changed! Treatment was initially once a week, then once a month, every two months, now takes only two or three times a year to avoid debilitating back pain that had stolen my energy and life for so long. Every time I see the doctor I can not help but telling him he saved my life and that's the truth ... why did I not go sooner?
Mrs. E.C. Varese (VA)
Around fifty the crises became more frequent until the pain was almost continuous. There were days when the pain was so acute that I could not even lift a sheet of paper, so the treatment: almost continuous injections for the pain and inflammation, almost to the point of abuse to be able to walk a few steps and meet my commitments. Every morning I woke up tired after a night of repeatedly moving looking for a position that alleviated the pain, I used pillows placed under the legs, pelvis, shoulders to find the position at that time allowed me to endure pain and sleep.
I must confess that I consult a doctor only at the extreme but now desperate, I convince myself to go and my doctor prescribes physiotherapy. I try. So much effort, no results. Now more desperate then ever I go to the center at Como, to try chiropractic.
First meeting with dr. Brennan. After looking at the X-rays of my spine, he explained what causes pain and how chiropractic treats the cause, and specifies that when pain occurs it is because something is wrong, then we proceeded with the first treatment. For those who have not experienced it, I assure you that the treatment is not at all invasive or painful. I removed only my shoes, lying on the bed prone and supine, some movement with my arms and legs, then some light pressure, small wedges under my abdomen, pelvis, and it is all over in a few minutes. I do not think anything has changed. In the evening at home I have a feeling of exhaustion, I go to sleep ... and in the morning I wake up after a night of continuous sleep rested! It is not possible! After just one treatment my life has changed! Treatment was initially once a week, then once a month, every two months, now takes only two or three times a year to avoid debilitating back pain that had stolen my energy and life for so long. Every time I see the doctor I can not help but telling him he saved my life and that's the truth ... why did I not go sooner?
Mrs. E.C. Varese (VA)

My name A.F. and now I am 74 years old. I arrived at Como Chiropractic more than 24 years ago following a serious disturbance of diagnosed as "Guillain-Barre Syndrome" It manifested with strong dizziness, as to affect my balance, gait and ability to safely drive a car. My job was as "commercial inspector" in north Italy and for several months a colleague helped me in my area by driving the car. Initially, after the clinical examination I took the medicine prescribed but the recovery was very slow. I became aware, through a third colleague, who suffered from severe backache, of chiropractic. I decided to try. I do not hide that it was with great scepticism. At the first visit dr. Brennan controlled the documents and other medical tests before proceeding. That in itself was important to make me more confident about his seriousness, but was critical when he said: "I certainly can not cure it, but I can help you live better" The first year I had six sessions, with excellent results. For many years now, I go twice a year to do, as says dr. Brennan, "A tune-up". I also have a spondylolisthesis and, for this serious anomaly of the spine, chiropractic care has been of great benefit. I lead, thanks to these treatments, a normal life. The colleague, who had then helped me by driving the car, he also became a patient of Dr. Brennan, for backache that disorder that affects all of us when have to sit a lot in the car. Thanks Dr. Brennan and thanks to science chiropractic, finally a recognized "medical science".
Mr. A.F. Milano (MI)
Mr. A.F. Milano (MI)

My "cohabitation" with sciatica began in 1991 with brief but annoying episodes. Over time they increased in intensity and frequency so I began by seeing my doctor and doing various diagnostic and clinical exams. I also started taking anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers. I was suffering from two herniated discs, L4-L5 and L5-S1. In early 1992, the pain manifested in an increasingly strong and frequent manner so that at mid-year I was bedridden. My family helped me in my personal care, the nights spent on the couch where, by moving the cushions, I could create a space where nothing was touching the painful part. The "heavier" nights were those where I had to rest kneeling on a chair with my head resting on a pillow placed on the table. Meals were often eaten while standing up. I started another series of treatments, exercises, "TENS", analgesics etc. and additional medical examinations without significant results. The strong pain was always present. I was then given cortisone and prescribed a back brace that I took off only at night. Yet there was still no improvement. Then, on the advice of two doctors, a physiatrist and a neurologist I agreed to undergo a surgery. I had arrived to spring 1993 and the hospitalization was scheduled for May 5 of that year. A few days before the operation a dear childhood friend, excellent doctor, called me to tell me yet another opportunity, a visit to the Chiropractic clinic in Como. Some of his patients had traveled to this clinic and had benefit. He himself had been operated on for a herniated disc but was left unsatisfied. A few days before admission to the hospital I made my first visit to the aforementioned institute, I was seen first by the medic and then by dr. Ross Brennan, and when he said "I'm sure I could solve the problem" that pushed me to take what I think was the most sensible decision. I canceled the surgery and I started my experience with dr. Brennan. He advised me to discontinue cortisone and not use the brace. The acute phase therapy was completed in a short time and therapy continued with regular checks-ups. Today I make two visits a year. I quickly restarted my normal life, went to the office by bicycle, and have not given up any activity. In twenty years I have only had two painful episodes, immediately solved with a visit to the chiropractor.
Mrs. D.M. Pavia (PV)
Mrs. D.M. Pavia (PV)

When I was 28 I began to suffer the first time from back pain. Over the years it became more and more serious until I had a total block of mobility. I remained pinned to the ground for three hours with shooting pains, which prevented me from even the smallest and most simple movement. So I decided to delve into my problem only to discover that I had two hernias. Now begins my ordeal: Over the years I have undergone physiotherapy, about 400 injections, a mix of various anesthetics, energy healing, exercise, traction, and osteopathy. A few weeks of peace and then the pain would return and my mobility would deteriorate. There remained the last resort of surgery. Talking with an acquaintance, he told me that he had a coccyx problem due to intense cycling and going to Como solved his problem. I decided to try. In 2000 at the age of 34 years I met dr. Brennan. Referring to my health he said that does not do miracles (which, however, I was promptly reassured by other specialists) but that could make me live well over the years with my problem without resorting to surgery. I began treatment and after a few weeks I remain astounded, "the pain goes and does not return". Over the years up to the present day with 2 controls a year, I have a normal life. Certainly Dr. Brennan does not do miracles but it puts you in a position to live with dignity with your problem. As long as you follow his indications of exercises to be performed at home, because the best results are achieved with the active participation of the patient. My biggest regret is not to have known earlier about Chiropractic. I have an infinite gratitude for giving me back a dignified life and the power continue to carry out my work as a driver and other activities that before I could not perform.
Mr. O.B. Canegrate (MI)
Mr. O.B. Canegrate (MI)

The pain started suddenly like a bolt from the blue in the spring of 2000, before that I had never had back pain but one morning I found myself blocked by a sharp pain in the lower back radiating down the leg left. I was diagnosed with a hernia at L5-S1, my doctor prescribed me a cure of cortisone injections; the leg was very bad and had no strength, so I could not drive nor to walk well, after about three months, seeing that there was no improvement, the surgery was scheduled.
I left the hospital with my legs normal so I tranquilly resumed my life .......
But in 2004, after a short jog to get to the station and take the train, the pain in his leg reappeared; A new MRI highlighted a series of protrusions at various levels and adhesions due to the surgery that could explain the symptoms. Then I consulted more than one neurosurgeon to figure out what I could do but the only solution proposed was the stabilization of the column. This scared me a lot. I feared that it would reduce my ability to move; my family doctor confirmed that this was a very important step, to do only in the absence of other alternatives, and proposed a treatment based on anti-epileptic drugs that would have eased the pain and, perhaps would re-educated the nerve to ignore the painful stimulation. At first the drugs caused dizziness and headaches, then I started to get used to them, but I was dependent on them.
In 2006 I took these drugs often, but when I came home from work, I had to lie down because the pain was strong and kept me from doing anything. At that time I worked in Piedmont and a colleague told me about Chiropractic Como. After suffering every day for years I had tried various ways, including a visit to a posturologist that sold me some supports that didn't work, so I was very wary of new attempts. However, back home for the summer holidays, I spoke of this possibility to my doctor and asked him to explain what Chiropractic was. He did not know. He told me that my case was complicated, however, by choosing a person who is prepared and doesn't improvise the use of manipulation, I could try. Later other people also indicated the Sanrocco Como, so after much uncertainty, in 2007 I decided to go.
At the first visit they carefully evaluated all CAT scans and MRI's that I had brought, and then I started my journey with dr. Brennan. At first the sessions were weekly. The improvements were not immediate, but the doctors had made a good impression and, although I was assured nothing, I began to hope and, indeed, slowly things got better. The following year I returned to work and live in Tuscany, but continued treatment in Como with a semi-annual basis, I was finally able to gradually decrease and then stop the drugs. Later I was consistently better: swimming twice a week and leading my life normally. I sometimes have periods of back pain but I rarely have locked again. But I can manage it with simple anti-inflammatories, in any case, if I can move, I go to dr. Brennan to equilibrate my neuromuscoloskeletal system. Sometimes the benefit is immediately perceptible, sometimes it arrives later. I continue my exercises at home.
In conclusion, I can say without doubt that Chiropractic has been a great help to live with my back problems, and I would add that, although I'm older now, I feel better than I did ten years ago.
Mrs. M.T.I. Massa (MS)
I left the hospital with my legs normal so I tranquilly resumed my life .......
But in 2004, after a short jog to get to the station and take the train, the pain in his leg reappeared; A new MRI highlighted a series of protrusions at various levels and adhesions due to the surgery that could explain the symptoms. Then I consulted more than one neurosurgeon to figure out what I could do but the only solution proposed was the stabilization of the column. This scared me a lot. I feared that it would reduce my ability to move; my family doctor confirmed that this was a very important step, to do only in the absence of other alternatives, and proposed a treatment based on anti-epileptic drugs that would have eased the pain and, perhaps would re-educated the nerve to ignore the painful stimulation. At first the drugs caused dizziness and headaches, then I started to get used to them, but I was dependent on them.
In 2006 I took these drugs often, but when I came home from work, I had to lie down because the pain was strong and kept me from doing anything. At that time I worked in Piedmont and a colleague told me about Chiropractic Como. After suffering every day for years I had tried various ways, including a visit to a posturologist that sold me some supports that didn't work, so I was very wary of new attempts. However, back home for the summer holidays, I spoke of this possibility to my doctor and asked him to explain what Chiropractic was. He did not know. He told me that my case was complicated, however, by choosing a person who is prepared and doesn't improvise the use of manipulation, I could try. Later other people also indicated the Sanrocco Como, so after much uncertainty, in 2007 I decided to go.
At the first visit they carefully evaluated all CAT scans and MRI's that I had brought, and then I started my journey with dr. Brennan. At first the sessions were weekly. The improvements were not immediate, but the doctors had made a good impression and, although I was assured nothing, I began to hope and, indeed, slowly things got better. The following year I returned to work and live in Tuscany, but continued treatment in Como with a semi-annual basis, I was finally able to gradually decrease and then stop the drugs. Later I was consistently better: swimming twice a week and leading my life normally. I sometimes have periods of back pain but I rarely have locked again. But I can manage it with simple anti-inflammatories, in any case, if I can move, I go to dr. Brennan to equilibrate my neuromuscoloskeletal system. Sometimes the benefit is immediately perceptible, sometimes it arrives later. I continue my exercises at home.
In conclusion, I can say without doubt that Chiropractic has been a great help to live with my back problems, and I would add that, although I'm older now, I feel better than I did ten years ago.
Mrs. M.T.I. Massa (MS)

In 2007, I started having severe neck pain and headaches. I turned then to a neurosurgeon who prescribed an MRI, along with drug therapy. The diagnosis was disc protrusion of C4-C5 and C5-C6. I was sent to a physiatrist then physiotherapy. Cycles of Tens and cycles of laser therapy gave a mild and brief improvement. Then I tried alternative therapies, so I turned to a couple of osteopaths, they assured me that after a couple of sessions I would have solved my problem. In 2008, I was told by a friend of the clinic in Como. In March 2008, after performing a medical examination with dr. Brennan I began immediately weekly sessions, after the first 4 they were gradually reduced in frequency, but I never stopped. Now I do two sessions a year. The benefits that I have gotten are quite important for me, to live with my problem without pain and without use of medication.
Mr. A.A. Nova Milanese (MI)
Mr. A.A. Nova Milanese (MI)

My name is C.L., I am 49 years old, I began frequenting the clinic in Como almost 17 years ago. I had a disc hernia between L4-L5. I contacted the clinic in 1997 as a last resort because the traditional treatments of injections, anti-inflammatories and cortisone did not help. I had a lot of pain, sciatica and pain concentrated in the knee, although I have a very high pain threshold, I could not sit or sleep. I had heard of chiropractic from the wife of the barber where my father cuts his hair. After a hernia operation he had relapsed, and had turned to the clinic 20 years ago, and has been fine ever since. I called the secretary, and according to my problem directed me dr. Brennan. The orthopedist who, looked at my tac with dr. Brennan told me that there were no contraindications to treatment. After the first manipulation, dr. Brennan informed me that the initial sessions would be close together, then would decrease to 2/3 maintenance treatments a year. My family members were opposed to this choice, since I had three small children, they preferred I did an operation, so as to get out of pain quickly. I consulted with dr. Brennan who explained to me that the neurosurgeon in my situation would not have operated. I trusted my instincts and followed to the letter the advice of the dr. I reduced my physical exertion at home, I took a swimming course for a couple of years to strengthen my muscles, began using an exercise bike and took long walks. I was told to make lifestyle changes, to listen to my back during daily activities and follow the treatment plan. Three years ago I suffered a whiplash injury due to a collision, after a visit to the emergency room I went to Como, a few treatments close together and then gradually back to maintainance. With pleasure I tell my story because I'm well. The chiropractor not only takes care of your back, but it makes you realise you need to be aware of your condition. I will continue to do the treatments and I thank Dr. Brennan for his patience and skill and also his staff.
Mrs. C.L. Melzo (MI)
Mrs. C.L. Melzo (MI)

Towards the age of 30 I started to suffer frequently from classic lumbago. It did not come after particular exertions but rather after normal movements, until one day, after lifting a quite heavy package, I blocked up for good.
After a treatment of painkillers that did not give me results, I consulted with a friend who was a gym instructor. He advised me of Chiropractic Como.
At the first meeting not knowing chiropractic was I was very skeptical, but after the first two sessions I changed my mind, because I felt much better. After a month I was as good as new, despite a disc protrusion of L3-L4. Since then (2007), I go about once every six months to make a "tune-up" and my back has not had major problems despite walking most of the day sitting in the car and doing a job that often requires physical exertion. The result I got, and maintaining it is the combination of various treatment sessions and following the simple directions that dr. Brennan gave me. To make a few simple exercises every day, and avoid excessive loads that could impede a positive outcome.
After my experience, I sent to dr. Brennan colleagues and friends and even my mother who at age 80 could practically not walk for severe back pain. Again skepticism towards a little known discipline was blown away by the results. Obviously she can not take part in a marathon but recovered a mobility that allows her to live independently.
For my personal experience and the experiences of my friends, I can say that chiropractic may be the solution to many problems and with no limits of age. This year I brought my son who at 10 months had started making involuntary movements with his head. Quite worried we turned to a neurologist, who described the movements as not worrying but recommended a manipulation by an osteopath.
At this point I called dr. Brennan and I explained the situation. After visiting the child, he explained that the movement was a natural way of trying to find a normal posture of his head on his neck lost during an especially traumatic childbirth because of the use of suction. The suggested cure was our job at home. To hold him upside down by his feet and gently swing him back and forth for 20 seconds a day. It quickly solved the problem.
So to put it in two words ... I would recommend it to everyone? Absolutely yes!
Mr. S.R. Milano (MI)
After a treatment of painkillers that did not give me results, I consulted with a friend who was a gym instructor. He advised me of Chiropractic Como.
At the first meeting not knowing chiropractic was I was very skeptical, but after the first two sessions I changed my mind, because I felt much better. After a month I was as good as new, despite a disc protrusion of L3-L4. Since then (2007), I go about once every six months to make a "tune-up" and my back has not had major problems despite walking most of the day sitting in the car and doing a job that often requires physical exertion. The result I got, and maintaining it is the combination of various treatment sessions and following the simple directions that dr. Brennan gave me. To make a few simple exercises every day, and avoid excessive loads that could impede a positive outcome.
After my experience, I sent to dr. Brennan colleagues and friends and even my mother who at age 80 could practically not walk for severe back pain. Again skepticism towards a little known discipline was blown away by the results. Obviously she can not take part in a marathon but recovered a mobility that allows her to live independently.
For my personal experience and the experiences of my friends, I can say that chiropractic may be the solution to many problems and with no limits of age. This year I brought my son who at 10 months had started making involuntary movements with his head. Quite worried we turned to a neurologist, who described the movements as not worrying but recommended a manipulation by an osteopath.
At this point I called dr. Brennan and I explained the situation. After visiting the child, he explained that the movement was a natural way of trying to find a normal posture of his head on his neck lost during an especially traumatic childbirth because of the use of suction. The suggested cure was our job at home. To hold him upside down by his feet and gently swing him back and forth for 20 seconds a day. It quickly solved the problem.
So to put it in two words ... I would recommend it to everyone? Absolutely yes!
Mr. S.R. Milano (MI)

I went to the Como clinic to dr. Brennan about eight years ago. This was after about 12-13 years of suffering back trouble for a herniated disc. Before going to Como the doctors treated me with cortisone, anti-inflammatories and many painkillers; conclusion: swelling of the limbs and weight aplenty for abuse of cortisone, battered stomach and intestines do to anti-inflammatories and painkillers but despite my body being full of medicines, pain was part of everyday life. Eight years ago, after 15 days of intense pain (I had been diagnosed with another herniated disc) passed in a hospital bed (not even the morphine gave relief), I was finally convinced (it was years since my friend told me to go to Sanrocco Como) arriving in the clinic hunched over and in pain. After the first session I felt I was born again. I returned the following week and again after 15 days; I did not believe the miracle, finally after many years the pain was almost gone, I could walk directly, taking the stairs, hang out the washing, iron, dance and other things without feeling the stinging pain that accompanied me for years. Every 2/3 months I return to Como to receive the miraculous treatment that only a good chiropractor can do. Today my back pain has disappeared and (rarely returns, if it does it is much lighter than in previous years); given the age (57 years old) some occasional pain appears, but I do not care much, I take the car and go straight to Sanrocco. I would like to say a few words in favor of the administrative staff who work at Sanrocco Chiropractic, always friendly, courteous, helpful and above all always with a smile.
Mrs. P. M. Montecchio Emilia (RE)
Mrs. P. M. Montecchio Emilia (RE)

I'm 34, and for about 8 years, I have frequented Chiropractic Como. I started to have back problems as a child, when I was diagnosed with scoliosis.
Over time, the problems and symptoms of my back did not improve, so much so that in 1999 when I was 20, I underwent surgery for a herniated disc at L5-S1. After the surgery, I did not solve my problems, because after some time I reformed new hernias. I started to inform myself if there were alternatives for my problem, and I found Chiropractic. I must say that my problems are not gone, but I avoided additional disc surgery that I had been advised to do. And above all, I still play sports at a competitive level, thanks to the advice of dr. Brennan. With 3 simple annual sessions, I can now do all the physical activity I want that my back did not allow me to do. I recommend Chiropractic to all those like me who have problems with their back and limbs.
Mr. A.G. Fino Mornasco (CO)
Over time, the problems and symptoms of my back did not improve, so much so that in 1999 when I was 20, I underwent surgery for a herniated disc at L5-S1. After the surgery, I did not solve my problems, because after some time I reformed new hernias. I started to inform myself if there were alternatives for my problem, and I found Chiropractic. I must say that my problems are not gone, but I avoided additional disc surgery that I had been advised to do. And above all, I still play sports at a competitive level, thanks to the advice of dr. Brennan. With 3 simple annual sessions, I can now do all the physical activity I want that my back did not allow me to do. I recommend Chiropractic to all those like me who have problems with their back and limbs.
Mr. A.G. Fino Mornasco (CO)

My first encounter with chiropractic began 18 years ago. One morning while bending to control the gas flame under the coffeemaker my back blocked up a with an incredible pain. It was classic "lumbago". I spent days of hell do to the pain unable to move, sit, or sleep. With a CT scan, I was diagnosed with a herniated disk. Days went by, but despite the large doses of painkillers and muscle relaxants, the pain did not pass. On the advice of a colleague, from his own personal experience, I went to Chiropractic Como to try to resolve my problem with this therapy, that until then, I did not know. After a visit with an Orthopaedist his assessment was need of Chiropractic care. I undertook a series of sessions, initially weekly, then monthly, then quarterly, and now half-yearly. With the first treatments the benefit was immediate. The care and advice of the Chiropractor led me to wellness today. I've had no more bouts of back pain. Every six months I do a control with dr. Brennan, who has treated me for years now.
Mrs. G.P. Monza (MI)
Mrs. G.P. Monza (MI)

I started my experience with Chiropractic in 1995. As a boy I always suffered from back pain with frequent blocks (lumbago). I'm not a very athletic but very sedentary. I tried a little bit of everything, orthopaedic visits and x-rays, a semi-rigid corset, therapies like laser and ultrasound but always with poor results. Then my aunt advised me to try Chiropractic in Como. Here I began to have the first real results. After a few sessions with dr. Brennan the situation improved, the pain stopped and the blocking of my back has become very rare. The sessions have gradually decreased and now I make only two per year. With Chiropractic I learned to solve other problems that have presented over time from dr. Brennan, a pain in the shoulder fixed with a self massage the chest, pain in the wrists always resolved with self massage to the muscles of the forearms. Many other small ailments have always solved with the self treatment recommended by dr. Brennan. The most important thing is not to stop the sessions for too long but maintain regularity. I can only speak well of Chiropractic seeing my results, of course there is always a downside, it's the economic side but I think for your own health it is worth giving up some thing like a meal at a restaurant, a trip out of town or a trivial gift. Think about it and you will feel much better.
Mr. G.M. Paderno (MI)
Mr. G.M. Paderno (MI)

I am 61. At the age of 33 I began to suffer from back pain due to a herniated disc. With the help of anti-inflammatories and physical therapy I managed to get by. Until 1998, then one day I found myself with a swollen leg and no longer able to get up to walk without severe pain. The diagnosis was three herniated discs L3 to L5. The orthopaedist advised me to do the surgery with all that it entailed, several months of absolute rest and the use of a corset. For some years the surgery resolved part of the problem with the help of physical therapy and anti-inflammatories. In 2007 I had a relapse, I could not walk and even sitting I lost my balance and had severe pain. The MRI and X-rays diagnosed a bad scoliosis and herniated disc L4-L5 and L5-S1. I was recommended to visit the neurosurgeon who advised me another surgery, but did not have the certainty of the resolution of the problem. My sister had been treating with chiropractic for a few years and convinced me to try it. I made an appointment in Como with dr. Brennan. I underwent a thorough medical examination, he suggested a therapy plan. First on a weekly basis (after a few sessions I had the first benefits), then the sessions were once a month for a short time, then one session every six months, and in doing so I avoided surgery. Since then, following the advice of dr. Brennan, doing physical activity and regularly returning to the studio to maintain my neuromusculoskeletal balance. My life has changed for the better in these years, I had only once a rather painful episode, solved in a short time with some more frequent therapy with the chiropractor. With absolute sincerity, I assert that chiropractic is a science effective and decisive and every time I go to dr. Brennan I know I'm in the hands of the right person.
Mrs. C.M.L. Cassolnovo (PV)
Mrs. C.M.L. Cassolnovo (PV)

My story is very simple, surely thanks to poor posture (I spent many hours behind the wheel of a car) I had as the main symptom a strong burning inside my right arm. After hospitalization, and a MRI I was diagnosed with a "herniated cervical disc". The solution suggested was surgery. Much perplexed I almost agreed to the surgery when my son told me about a friend who, after a motorcycle accident he suffered poor mobility of his neck and, contrary to being doomed to an uncomfortable future. But a few months after the accident he had taken up riding his motorcycle again.
Intrigued by this I booked the first visit at Como, then I followed the whole treatment plan for subsequent visits (after one week, after two weeks, after one month, after three months and after six months).
Now I do the "tune-up" every six months, I have no physical problem related to my neck and every week I go to the mountains with a backpack that in a two-day excursions can weigh up to 12 kilograms.
In summary, thanks to dr. Brennan I can continue, now that I'm retired, to practice my great passion which is hiking.
Mr. P.S. Sant'Ilario D'Enza (RE)
Intrigued by this I booked the first visit at Como, then I followed the whole treatment plan for subsequent visits (after one week, after two weeks, after one month, after three months and after six months).
Now I do the "tune-up" every six months, I have no physical problem related to my neck and every week I go to the mountains with a backpack that in a two-day excursions can weigh up to 12 kilograms.
In summary, thanks to dr. Brennan I can continue, now that I'm retired, to practice my great passion which is hiking.
Mr. P.S. Sant'Ilario D'Enza (RE)

My name is LB, I am 44 years old and I started to have back problems when I was 30. The first time I blocked up I could not even walk, while bending over I felt an excruciating pain and there I was. I remember I was taken to lie down but the effort it took me to lie down I will never forget. I stayed in bed for 15 days with very strong injections of painkillers. As soon as I could get up I started doing the necessary investigations, x-rays and orthopedic examinations. I was told, very simply, I had a back of a ninety year old and I had to keep it, and if necessary, take medicine to relieve the pain. I blocked up several other times ... so I was pretty desperate because this disease began to become not just a limitation to daily life, it was also very painful. One day a friend of mine who had also suffered from back pain speaks of dr. Brennan and the benefits obtained. So I went to Como Chiropractic to undergo the first visit and I am given hope. I started treatment with dr. Brennan in 2007 that was initially weekly, then biweekly, monthly and gradually we have reached today, after seven years, with a visit every 4/5 months. My life has definitely changed, it is clear that my back is not my strong point, and that I have to be careful how I move (although it would be good idea for everyone) but today I live well without the worry of having to endure a painful block up. The "tune up" I do every 4/5 months is critical to realign the whole body, it is amazing how effective it is, taking away many small pains one suffers. We are unaware that we could resolve many problems with the right "manipulation" of the bones / joints. For instance at one point I could not lift my arm...I wondered what it was...I start to take Aulin...but after a week still no improvement then idea! I phone dr. Brennan who receives me now (as always whenever I need) and finds the cause and fixes it! A marvel the pain disappeared! If I would have went sooner I'd have been spared the pain and I would not taken the useless medicine. My experience allows me to recommend chiropractic treatments, so much that today my mother, my husband and several friends are all patients and absolutely enthusiastic. I sincerely thank the professionalism of dr. Brennan who saved me!
Mrs. L.B. Milano (MI)
Mrs. L.B. Milano (MI)

I am 46 years old, at the age of 35 I was diagnosed with a herniated disc L5-S1. The doctor prescribed me the classic cure for these cases. Anti-inflammatories and cortisone which quickly stopped the pain, but after 6 months the pain showed up again. At that time I remember that my life changed drastically; In fact, I stopped playing soccer and running, skiing was not spoken of, it was fatiguing to drive the car and I had to pay close attention to everything I did. Another round of cortisone and various medications until a surgeon suggested ozone therapy. After five sessions, the problem was not resolved. The surgical intervention was coming. After surgery and two months of rehabilitation, I had 6 months without problems but then lifting a banal weight took me back back two years as if I had done nothing. Another MRI and herniated discs still present: a relapse. A co-worker told me about chiropractic and dr. Brennan specialist in chiropractic and kinesiology. Very skeptical I went to this clinic perhaps considering this act as a ''last resort'' but it was not. For three years now I attend the center regularly and I can testify that I have never done so much sport as now. I returned to skiing and running which has been a significant benefit for my mind and body especially without experiencing any muscular problems. Since that day I have not taken any medication for pain. Sure age advances but dr. Brennan in two or three sessions annually keeps in equilibrium my neuromuscolo-skeletal system and also gives me advice on how to maintain myself between the sessions. What I want to say to finish: chiropractic remains a reference point in my life.
Mr. L.S. Mariano Comense (CO)
Mr. L.S. Mariano Comense (CO)

I did the first foot surgery following a fall where the consequence was a compound fracture of the fibula. After surgery I could not walk without pain. Later I did another surgery to insert a prosthetic ankle, hoping to improve the pain situation but after the surgery I was just as bad. I could not walk without pain despite two surgeries. Then I started to suffer backache. My mother who was already being treated by dr. Brennan took me to Como for a visit. After a few sessions the pain decreased and I was able to walk farther without too much pain. Now I feel much better when I walk and back pain has gone.
Mrs.M.B Casteletto Ticino (No)
Mrs.M.B Casteletto Ticino (No)

"IT'S NORMAL.........
Hello everyone, my name is Charles, I'm 43 and in February 2007 I began suffering a strong sciatica, after several months of increasing discomfort in my back and loss of strength in my legs. My MRI showed disc protrusions, arthrosis, etc. Week after week I visited physiotherapists, orthopaedists, and it is always the same advice: physical activity (between the lines..you are a mozzarella), painkillers, swimming, etc. Result, the symptoms got worse, so much so that at the end of June it was literally a struggle to walk, as if a vise had taken the strength from my back and legs. It was the worst experience I had lived so far.
Traveling for business one day I meet someone who tells me: "I know very well what you're feeling, listen, go to dr. Brennan." I had already heard of chiropractic but I can not say I knew it, and so I decided to "try" this road, because I had no intention to have surgery.
That hot morning in mid-July will never forget. My wife drives me to Como.
I enter the visit room and I start: Look Doctor, (I can not resist)...I have pain...and He (with that American accent): "It's normal"; No, but look at what a struggle I have even to walk, I have no leg strength..."It's normal"...; no, excuse me, sciatica, my pain behind the leg...the pain..., And him always "It's normal .... there's a loss of equilibrium" .....
Well, in those few moments, without exaggerating, I realized I had met a person who would improve my life. The path to healing begins by restoring an equilibrium between muscolo-skeletal and nerve tissue, and that is how the body heals with its own resources, without resorting to drugs that act on the symptoms.
The route, as described to me immediately with great precision, was not short, it was necessary to follow very precisely the treatment plan, even when the symptoms began to disappear, a delicate moment because one thinks to be already completely healed (unforgettable phrase was, when I asked if I was almost healed, always with the legendary American accent: "if the healing process was a car trip from Como to Palermo, you are...at the Milan exit) .
At the same time a relapse during this phase should not be discouraging because they are become increasingly manageable. Today, after seven years all of my family and some close friends are patients of dr. Brennan. My visits are every 4/5 months, and are always very helpful. Personally I can say that the benefits that I had not only physical or for my back: I have also learned to listen to the signals of "imbalance" in my body. While doing sports, I manage better the physical effort; Also in general it is as if it influences positively at a "mental" energy level. In recent years I have talked to many of the great usefulness of chiropractic, for asymptomatic situations, just to prevent further problems.
Unfortunately, I say it with conviction, I often see a certain distrust in people with symptoms like mine, who prefer other approaches that may perhaps consider them more classic and reassuring, as it initially happened to me until, thanks to that person met by chance, I met the dr. Brennan.
Sig. C.F. Milano (MI)
Hello everyone, my name is Charles, I'm 43 and in February 2007 I began suffering a strong sciatica, after several months of increasing discomfort in my back and loss of strength in my legs. My MRI showed disc protrusions, arthrosis, etc. Week after week I visited physiotherapists, orthopaedists, and it is always the same advice: physical activity (between the lines..you are a mozzarella), painkillers, swimming, etc. Result, the symptoms got worse, so much so that at the end of June it was literally a struggle to walk, as if a vise had taken the strength from my back and legs. It was the worst experience I had lived so far.
Traveling for business one day I meet someone who tells me: "I know very well what you're feeling, listen, go to dr. Brennan." I had already heard of chiropractic but I can not say I knew it, and so I decided to "try" this road, because I had no intention to have surgery.
That hot morning in mid-July will never forget. My wife drives me to Como.
I enter the visit room and I start: Look Doctor, (I can not resist)...I have pain...and He (with that American accent): "It's normal"; No, but look at what a struggle I have even to walk, I have no leg strength..."It's normal"...; no, excuse me, sciatica, my pain behind the leg...the pain..., And him always "It's normal .... there's a loss of equilibrium" .....
Well, in those few moments, without exaggerating, I realized I had met a person who would improve my life. The path to healing begins by restoring an equilibrium between muscolo-skeletal and nerve tissue, and that is how the body heals with its own resources, without resorting to drugs that act on the symptoms.
The route, as described to me immediately with great precision, was not short, it was necessary to follow very precisely the treatment plan, even when the symptoms began to disappear, a delicate moment because one thinks to be already completely healed (unforgettable phrase was, when I asked if I was almost healed, always with the legendary American accent: "if the healing process was a car trip from Como to Palermo, you are...at the Milan exit) .
At the same time a relapse during this phase should not be discouraging because they are become increasingly manageable. Today, after seven years all of my family and some close friends are patients of dr. Brennan. My visits are every 4/5 months, and are always very helpful. Personally I can say that the benefits that I had not only physical or for my back: I have also learned to listen to the signals of "imbalance" in my body. While doing sports, I manage better the physical effort; Also in general it is as if it influences positively at a "mental" energy level. In recent years I have talked to many of the great usefulness of chiropractic, for asymptomatic situations, just to prevent further problems.
Unfortunately, I say it with conviction, I often see a certain distrust in people with symptoms like mine, who prefer other approaches that may perhaps consider them more classic and reassuring, as it initially happened to me until, thanks to that person met by chance, I met the dr. Brennan.
Sig. C.F. Milano (MI)

About ten years ago, when I woke up I could not get up: a stabbing pain prevented me from getting up and putting my feet on the ground. I called a physical therapist, he did some maneuvers, but It did not help me to get better. I was diagnosed with several herniated discs, the cause of my inability to get on my feet. I was no longer able to lift bags, push carts, to bring books and notebooks from school ... I mean my life had become difficult, work was painful, housework impossible ... and I was depressed , very depressed, because it was coming true what an orthopedic doctor had told me with great sensitivity !!! - when I was 34, "with what you have, put your heart at peace: at 40 you will be in a wheelchair." Ever since I was born I have seen doctors who do not know what to do other than prescribe additional cycles of physical therapy, and, in the case of pain (!!!!) ... anti-inflammatories. Therefor I also began to suffer from high blood pressure, because of the NSAIDs, I who have always fought with low blood pressure..! And to perform cycles of physiotherapy at different times from which I needed it, due to long waiting lists. This would temporarily stabilise the situation, but would not give me back the vitality and efficiency to which I was accustomed. Yes, because I was born with a bilateral dislocation of the hip, which had been corrected by a brace when I was a year old and already walking like crazy. The brace had solved the situation well, even though all my life I had problems of divergence of the legs, curvature of the spine, pain ... Age and menopause have made things worse, leaving me a weakness of the skeleton and predisposing me to suffer from arthritis and protrusions at various points of the spinal column. I got to the point of holding me up with a cane, crooked and often I found myself on the ground! Because I did not want the prophecy of that doctor to come true, I continued to look for therapies that could make me feel better. In the midst of this storm, my sister indicated dr. Brennan, who, when he saw me in such a state, surly put his hands through his hair (only figuratively because he is a gentleman). Beginning therapy was a weekly session, then slowly decreasing over time, and now I frequent his studio twice a year. Sometimes I cry out for the miracle how he puts me back in place, immediately, within a few minutes! But it is not a miracle, it's science, it is manipulation, deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and the point of where to take action! Now I live well, I do not take anti-inflammatories or painkillers because I have no more pain, and if I should happen suffer pain know that dr. Brennan will put it right!
Mrs. M.P. Canegrate (MI)
Mrs. M.P. Canegrate (MI)

I am an executive 57 years of age and until 1990 I made a frequent use of painkillers to treat persistent neck pain. Tired of drugs, and especially of the side effects, I turned on the recommendation of a friend who was already using chiropractic, to dr. Brennan. I must honestly admit that initially I was skeptical about the real effectiveness of the treatment, but I had to change my mind. The sessions at the beginning were close together and gradually the pain disappeared, but not only that, I was actually regaining the mobility of my neck that I had lost.
I continued about once every four months, then every six months for a "tune-up", until 1995 when, foolishly, I stopped treatment. I say foolishly, because feeling the complete improvement, and living a distance from Como, I thought I was permanently fixed.
It was not so. In 2004, after a very banal, however slight, whiplash due to a car accident, I began to feel, sporadically, tingling of the hands and left forearm. My old disc hernia was back after 9 years of neglect, and found fertile ground to undermine my wellbeing. I did not give much weight to the symptoms until I had to return to using analgesics. Consequently, I went knocking on the door of dr. Brennan to repeat the therapy.
Today I'm fine, my "machine" is re-equilibrated and I promise you I'll follow my "check-up" schedule. The lesson has served me and the benefits are such that every six months I will pay a visit to Como.
Mr. A.L. Mirandola (MO)
I continued about once every four months, then every six months for a "tune-up", until 1995 when, foolishly, I stopped treatment. I say foolishly, because feeling the complete improvement, and living a distance from Como, I thought I was permanently fixed.
It was not so. In 2004, after a very banal, however slight, whiplash due to a car accident, I began to feel, sporadically, tingling of the hands and left forearm. My old disc hernia was back after 9 years of neglect, and found fertile ground to undermine my wellbeing. I did not give much weight to the symptoms until I had to return to using analgesics. Consequently, I went knocking on the door of dr. Brennan to repeat the therapy.
Today I'm fine, my "machine" is re-equilibrated and I promise you I'll follow my "check-up" schedule. The lesson has served me and the benefits are such that every six months I will pay a visit to Como.
Mr. A.L. Mirandola (MO)

I am 47 years old ; I have always suffered from severe back pain due to crushing of the last two lumbar vertebrae; frequently when doing normal movements I used to get stuck and not be able to do daily activities for weeks at a time; everything was difficult because the back pain was always present and kept me from living peacefully. Speaking one day with a colleague, she suggested a chiropractor, giving me the name of dr. Brennan at Chiropractic Como. So I decided to contact him even if I was initially a bit skeptical, but already after the first few sessions I started to feel better, move more freely and the advice given by Dr. Brennan is, with the passage of time more and more valuable and useful. Today more than five years after I began at Como, I now go every 6/7 months for the usual "check-up". I'm really pleased; those severe back pains are now just a memory for me.
Mrs. E.A. Senago (MI)
Mrs. E.A. Senago (MI)

I'm a psychologist and since 1996 I undergo regular Chiropractic check-ups. About 20 years ago, after my back pain began getting stronger and persistent as to stop me from working, I did x-rays and an MRI of my spine, to try to understand my problem in some way. I was diagnosed with a lumbo-sciatalgia due to damage of the last two lumbar vertebrae. The only remedy suggested would have been the rest, inactivity and the abandonment of any kind of physical effort. In addition an orthopedist had convinced me to wear a semi-rigid corset. Unsatisfied, I began to look for an alternative. Eventually I met Dr. Brennan at Como. He immediately convinced me to actively participate in my care. In fact, in addition to weekly visits repeated for a few times (I live in Asti), I had to walk at home and do a few exercises recommended before going to bed and on awakening. The benefit was immediate. The sessions became less frequent, going to monthly, then every 60 days, finally two annual sessions. What have I gained? I continued and I still continue to play sports, I have not taken any more painkillers, and I have never had back problems since. I have suggested to friends and relatives this unexpected panacea, but it is unfortunate that traditional medicine turn a deaf ear to a system other than their own. As for me, I'm glad I chose this type of care.
Mr. M.Z. Asti (AT)
Mr. M.Z. Asti (AT)

My problems began in the early nineties, with continuous and persistent back pain, for which I was initially diagnosed with sciatica. Since traditional treatment for the inflammation and sciatica did not work I decided to make some more specific tests and found that the cause of the pain was due to a herniated disc. In various visits with specialists, I was told the only possibility was surgery. Towards the end of 1995, thanks to my family doctor, I was told of the existence of Chiropractic Como. In the early months of 1996 I made an appointment and met dr. Brennan. With 5 sessions my life changed. From the first visit I had the feeling it would work and with consecutive sessions, what was only a hope became a certainty. During normal activities, I no longer felt the continual need to sit down to rest, and I began to have the feeling of being able to stay erect. Since then I'm fine, I still go twice a year for therapy and I definitely averted the need of a very delicate and worrying surgery. An experience I recommend to anyone who has problems and is looking for serious professionals and experts you can trust.
Mrs. D.G Desio (MI)
Mrs. D.G Desio (MI)

About 5 years ago I started having problems in the cervical area with frequent pain in the neck and shoulders and with considerable difficulty to turn my head to both sides. I then started to apply pain-relieving creams to the area getting improvement for short periods. Talking with acquaintances who had had similar problems I was to recommended the clinic in Como. Despite not knowing what Chiropractic was, I decided to try and made an appointment with dr. Brennan. From the first visit I found a serious approach to the problem by requesting an X-ray examination to verify the conditions of my neck and then set a treatment plan. After the first two months where I was prescribed four sessions, I started a maintenance program that provides a check-up every six months. I have to say that my disorder has been virtually eliminated.
Mr. I.P. Casatenovo (LC)
Mr. I.P. Casatenovo (LC)

I would like to thank dr. Brennan to have greatly alleviated my problem of back and leg pain that started in my early twenties, the neurosurgeon from where I was in care wanted to do surgery saying it was the only solution, however years later here I am healthy and with a lot less pain! Meanwhile I affronted my pregnancy with no back problems. My son of just two months has been treated by the dr. for a problem of torticollis from birth, which my pediatrician had alarmed me by saying that he could have serious problems if neglected!
Mrs. C.L. Magherno (PV)
Mrs. C.L. Magherno (PV)

Every time I finish a session with dr. Brennan, I ask myself: how does he do it??? I think this question is quite common to all patients. How it is that those precise maneuvers may change the state of health of people !!!.
It is now 12 years that I frequent regularly Sanrocco Como and I think I was probably the patient with the most distrust that has ever entered the doctor's office !!!.
My story is common to that of many others. In 2002 I was diagnosed a herniated disc L5-S1, which at first was not creating any major problems, but with time led me to have constant pain in my leg and back. Before discovering chiropractic, I had tried many treatments such as massage, acupuncture for pain relief, cures based on drugs such as cortisone orally or injected directly into the disk, and other painkillers. Due to this illness, I could not have a normal life, I could not do sports (my passion), I had trouble sleeping, I was nervous, and finally I was gaining weight.
I was discouraged. Through a doctor friend of mine, I went to the clinic in Como with all the mistrust conceivable. I was very surprised right away by the professionalism and honesty of all people in the center with which I interacted.
Dr. Brennan, suggested one session every three days decreasing the frequency with recovery. Today I go about once every 4-6 months. The epilogue of the story is common to many people, that is, thanks to chiropractic, I could get my life back to do all those things that the pain would not permit me to do. In these 12 years, thanks to chiropractic, I recovered from a serious car accident and a successive motorcycle accident (breaking 3 ribs), I was able to move house, and above all to do everyday things without the use of medicine. Today, thanks to dr. Brennan and his staff, I returned to compete in swimming competitions in open water, to run and any other physical activity without any limitations.
Recently my daughter (volleyball player in a youth team in Series A), has benefited from treatment, and she also was amazed by the effectiveness of therapy.
In conclusion, I recommend to people who try chiropractic care to have confidence and perseverance, and above all the care is not definitive, but rather as a support to make a life better.
Mr. A.B. Busto Arsizio (VA)
Addendum 31 luglio
Hello dott,
I wanted to tell you that last Sunday, I participated in the swim competition crossing of the Bosphorus in Turkey (http://bogazici.olimpiyat.org.tr/default.aspx) and it went grand !!!!
I finished 286 out of a total of about 1,850 participants !!!.
When I was about 300 meters to go I thought about all the people who supported me and helped me and had infinite patience to do this thing, including you !!!!!!!!
Just wanted to say THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!
To me you're a special person !!!!!!!!!
See you soon and have a great vacation !!!!!!!!!!!
It is now 12 years that I frequent regularly Sanrocco Como and I think I was probably the patient with the most distrust that has ever entered the doctor's office !!!.
My story is common to that of many others. In 2002 I was diagnosed a herniated disc L5-S1, which at first was not creating any major problems, but with time led me to have constant pain in my leg and back. Before discovering chiropractic, I had tried many treatments such as massage, acupuncture for pain relief, cures based on drugs such as cortisone orally or injected directly into the disk, and other painkillers. Due to this illness, I could not have a normal life, I could not do sports (my passion), I had trouble sleeping, I was nervous, and finally I was gaining weight.
I was discouraged. Through a doctor friend of mine, I went to the clinic in Como with all the mistrust conceivable. I was very surprised right away by the professionalism and honesty of all people in the center with which I interacted.
Dr. Brennan, suggested one session every three days decreasing the frequency with recovery. Today I go about once every 4-6 months. The epilogue of the story is common to many people, that is, thanks to chiropractic, I could get my life back to do all those things that the pain would not permit me to do. In these 12 years, thanks to chiropractic, I recovered from a serious car accident and a successive motorcycle accident (breaking 3 ribs), I was able to move house, and above all to do everyday things without the use of medicine. Today, thanks to dr. Brennan and his staff, I returned to compete in swimming competitions in open water, to run and any other physical activity without any limitations.
Recently my daughter (volleyball player in a youth team in Series A), has benefited from treatment, and she also was amazed by the effectiveness of therapy.
In conclusion, I recommend to people who try chiropractic care to have confidence and perseverance, and above all the care is not definitive, but rather as a support to make a life better.
Mr. A.B. Busto Arsizio (VA)
Addendum 31 luglio
Hello dott,
I wanted to tell you that last Sunday, I participated in the swim competition crossing of the Bosphorus in Turkey (http://bogazici.olimpiyat.org.tr/default.aspx) and it went grand !!!!
I finished 286 out of a total of about 1,850 participants !!!.
When I was about 300 meters to go I thought about all the people who supported me and helped me and had infinite patience to do this thing, including you !!!!!!!!
Just wanted to say THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!
To me you're a special person !!!!!!!!!
See you soon and have a great vacation !!!!!!!!!!!

About fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with annoying cervical osteoarthritis with reduction of the mobility of my neck and considerable pain in the cervical region. I started the usual rigmarole: X-rays, visits with the physiatrist , treatments with various machines at the physiatry center, taking anti-inflammatories but my situation did not improve.
While I was now resigned to live with this pain, I was informed by my nurse friend of the existence of Sanrocco Como to which she had frequented for similar disorders. I decided to book an appointment and within a few days I was seen by the orthopedist and then chiropractor dr. Hardy, who suggested weekly treatments.
After a few weeks I passed to the hands of Dr. Brennan, who follows me still.
At the start these interventions were quite painful: every time I came home I was wondering if I had made the right choice because it was worse than before; then, gradually, the situation normalized, the pain decreased and I began to feel much better.
So in a few months I regained a relative mobility of my neck and all the pain disappeared.
Heartened by these improvements I continue to frequent the center and entrust to the care of Dr. Brennan, every six months for a check up. I must say that, thanks to these interventions, I've had no major problems. I am grateful to those who directed to this type of medicine and to those who cared for me and continue to do so with professionalism and competence.
Mrs. A.C. Cavaglia' (BI)
While I was now resigned to live with this pain, I was informed by my nurse friend of the existence of Sanrocco Como to which she had frequented for similar disorders. I decided to book an appointment and within a few days I was seen by the orthopedist and then chiropractor dr. Hardy, who suggested weekly treatments.
After a few weeks I passed to the hands of Dr. Brennan, who follows me still.
At the start these interventions were quite painful: every time I came home I was wondering if I had made the right choice because it was worse than before; then, gradually, the situation normalized, the pain decreased and I began to feel much better.
So in a few months I regained a relative mobility of my neck and all the pain disappeared.
Heartened by these improvements I continue to frequent the center and entrust to the care of Dr. Brennan, every six months for a check up. I must say that, thanks to these interventions, I've had no major problems. I am grateful to those who directed to this type of medicine and to those who cared for me and continue to do so with professionalism and competence.
Mrs. A.C. Cavaglia' (BI)

I am a physical education teacher and I have always practiced competitive sports, which are unfortunately quite strenuous for the spine, especially gymnastics and volleyball.
For about 25 years now I have been running a fitness center and I am head of the out work programs. In 1997, after about a month of suffering generic pain of the lumbar spine, I had an episode of acute low back pain that involved the lower limb with aching and numbness.
Following various examinations and tests I was diagnosed lumbar disk disease at several levels and particularly disk herniation between vertebrae L5-S1
Already slated to be operated on by a well-known neurosurgeon in Milan, the last moment I tried a different tack, Chiropractic, prompted by a friend who had already experienced my same situation.
After a few sessions with dr. Brennan (despite my initial skepticism, given that in some way I am an insider), I began to perceive the first benefits, and within a few months I reached a full functional recovery. Since then 18 years have passed.
I make my regular "check-ups" at Comochiro and enjoy intense exercise such as running and scuba diving.
Mr. M.Z. Camogli (GE)
For about 25 years now I have been running a fitness center and I am head of the out work programs. In 1997, after about a month of suffering generic pain of the lumbar spine, I had an episode of acute low back pain that involved the lower limb with aching and numbness.
Following various examinations and tests I was diagnosed lumbar disk disease at several levels and particularly disk herniation between vertebrae L5-S1
Already slated to be operated on by a well-known neurosurgeon in Milan, the last moment I tried a different tack, Chiropractic, prompted by a friend who had already experienced my same situation.
After a few sessions with dr. Brennan (despite my initial skepticism, given that in some way I am an insider), I began to perceive the first benefits, and within a few months I reached a full functional recovery. Since then 18 years have passed.
I make my regular "check-ups" at Comochiro and enjoy intense exercise such as running and scuba diving.
Mr. M.Z. Camogli (GE)

At the suggestion of an acquaintance, I turned to Como Chiropractic because of a sciatica which I had completely blocked my back and with strong pain. After a couple of sessions, I felt the benefit and have continued, as suggested by dr. Brennan until the resolution of my problem. After 11 years, I still do periodic checks and can say that this method of treatment is very effective for me.
Mrs. R.C.C. Uggiate (CO)
Mrs. R.C.C. Uggiate (CO)

Since the age of 14 I have always worked on building sites and as a second job a woodcutter. I write this testimony because for the last two years I have been suffering from severe and unbearable pain in the back, to the point of barely being able to move. I decided to see a specialist: I was diagnosed with three crushed vertebrae and hernia. The doctor told me clearly that there were two alternatives a cure called Ozone therapy, consisting of a series of ten infiltrations, two per week or otherwise seek treatment from a manipulator or better yet, a Chiropractor. I began to do the Ozone therapy, but after two months I did not have any benefit. The pain was really unbearable, my situation was getting worse day by day. So I contacted Comochiro, namely dr. Brennan. I do not want to overdo it, I was in a sorry state. Surprisingly from the first session I realized that I was in the hands of the right person. Before long I recovered; I now just do an annual check-up. With all sincerity I mean that Chiropractic is a healing science, effective and decisive.
Mr. N.C. Golasecca (VA)
Mr. N.C. Golasecca (VA)

My first experience at Como, where I met dr. Brennan, dates back to the nineties when I took my daughter to treat a postural problem. The situation was resolved brilliantly, and I kept the phone number just in case. In the fall of 2005, I returned again to Dr. Brennan for a shoulder pain caused by a herniated cervical disc. I had been given the prospect of surgery and I was very distressed. I still remember the first session in which I explained to dr. Brennan the situation: I was worried by the possibility of surgery and he with tact and patience explained the possibility to "try" to solve the problem with a series of sessions that he planned and directed. From the beginning it was clear: I was to be seen three times and if, during these sessions, the situation was not improved, I would have to consider the surgery. I relied with confidence to his care, as I had done in the past with my daughter. I was lucky because my hernia, thanks to therapy and the advice of the doctor, slowly decreased, although the shoulder pain and mobility remained a problem. I did monthly sessions that lasted several months; while at home, I followed the advice of dr. Brennan, I regularly performed the self treatment exercises. It took about a year before everything returned to normal. I not only avoided surgery, but I have fully recovered the mobility of the shoulder. Use of drugs? Only at the beginning and only painkillers when the pain became unbearable, because as the doctor says "the pills do not cure, just relieve the pain for a few hours" What more? The trusts that binds the patient to their doctor and I, frankly, I have great respect the professionalism of Dr. Brennan and therefore am willing to listen to his advice. This is the reason why, from that autumn, until today I do a check-up twice a year. These sessions help me to keep tranquil, to live everyday with the knowledge that I am "in control", also allowing me to prevent poor posture that could have negative consequences.
Mrs. N.M. Como (CO)
Mrs. N.M. Como (CO)

My experience began in 1997, more than 15 years ago, presently, three times a year I go to the dr. Brennan for my check-up. It all started with low back pain, and an inflamed sciatic nerve, very painful! After trying almost everything from drug treatments, three weeks the in hospital with two epidurals, acupuncture, and a some sort of hands on healing, with practically nil improvement. I began my treatment with chiropractic, with significant improvement and the end of what was now a nightmare. The sciatic nerve, finally was no longer inflamed and the pain disappeared! All without drugs or invasive treatments. Now as I said I'm just going for the maintenance, and how it takes care of me! I take this opportunity to thank the kind staff and dr. Brennan
MR. A.A. Cermenate (CO)
MR. A.A. Cermenate (CO)

Two years ago, suddenly, one morning I woke up and I had vertigo of short duration (the whole room was spinning around); I did some sessions of tecar and took muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory therapy with good results. Then in July of last year, after spending a particularly wet and windy evening outdoors during that night I had an equilibrium disorder, a slight spinning sensation; I took some Aulin and was better, but when I interrupted the therapy the symptoms returned. At night I had to sleep with two / three pillows under my head but when I closed my eyes I had the impression that everything revolved around the room. So I decided to go the doctor. He gave me a maneuver to the cervical spine that, immediately, took away the dizziness, but the next day I had muscle pain all over my body and continued to feel off balance. I began suffering a stiff neck and also the trunk and lower limb muscles. I then did a therapy with injections of Voltaren and Muscoril but with poor results. After a few months, one night, as I turned in bed, I had a dizzy spell. I went to the specialist who, after the visit, ruled out that the problem was linked to the ear. I subsequently made further exams. A cervical MRI revealed there were 2 hernias and 2 protrusions, but the doctors I visited do not considered them as cause my problems. The only thing that all doctors found is the stiffness of the muscles of my neck and shoulder at the scapular level. So, I decided alone, in times of acute pain, to self treat with cortisone and vertiserc accompanied by massage and exercise. There was always some improvement but in a short time the symptoms reappeared. In the acute phase pain would localise on the left side of the neck, with soreness of the occiput, stiffening of the muscles of the neck and lower extremities, tingling of the neck down to the left arm and fingers (index and ring finger); sudden movements of the head were often accompanied by a strong feeling of warmth combined with sweating and palpitations; ringing in the ears and a feeling in both ears like that you feel when changing altitude suddenly; aching and contracted feet with weakness in the legs; sensation of sand during the rotation of the head; and a shocking sensation between lower lip and chin. In general my left side was weaker. The positions that worsened my symptoms were: when seated, when at the computer and when I raised my arm to talk on the phone. Obviously humidity worsened all my symptoms and my sensitivity to cold was greatly increased. Now, after a few sessions with Dr. Brennan I feel much better.
Mrs. R.S. Lecce (LE)
Mrs. R.S. Lecce (LE)

In 2008 I was diagnosed with two herniated discs in the lumbar area. During the period 2008-2011 I followed several conventional therapies to reduce pain caused by the presence of the two hernias. These therapies were initially types of physiotherapy (traction, electrical stimulation) accompanied by the injection of painkillers. During the year 2010 I did a series of epidural injections of painkillers between the vertebrae. These therapies had a temporary short-lived benefit: a few days after treatment, generally one to two days, after which the pain returned with equal intensity as prior to treatment. Pain involving the sciatic nerve in the left leg. During the first year the pain extended from the lower back to the knee and it was like an annoying inflammation. Continuing with time the pain spread to the entire left leg to the foot. The pain was always like an inflammation, but much more acute and impeded my being able to run, play sports, walk, sit, and often to rest at night. Several times I was woken up by the pain in my left leg. In 2011, after reaching a level of unbearable pain, I started chiropractic treatment: initially with frequent treatments (once a week), following treatments with longer intervals up to the present once or twice a year. Following the chiropractic plan the pain caused by the disc hernias decreased until it disappeared altogether: I could begin to play sports, sleep better at night, walk better, lift weights, remain standing for long periods of time, sit in a correct postures. In the period 2011 - 2014 I no longer had pain in my left leg and everything was back to normal. In autumn 2014 I had a relapse, however, after a more intensive chiropractic treatment, I returned to normal within 2 to 3 weeks. From the relapse of 2014 to today I have not had any pain and I lead a regular life.
Mr. S. L. Castellanza (VA)
Mr. S. L. Castellanza (VA)

I would like to talk about my experience since 2002 at the Chiropractic clinic in Como. I learned of this center from my family doctor following a hospital stay and several cortisone and anti-inflammatory treatments with poor results. After just a few sessions I began to abandon the drugs, finding the manipulation a huge benefit. I thank the most competent. dr. Brennan, who for years has been helping me so patiently (though he sometimes yells at me when I need it!) And all the staff of Sanrocco.
Mrs. F.M. Buscate (MI)
Mrs. F.M. Buscate (MI)

My name is A.Z., I'm 38 years old, and I live in Pordenone. I apologize from the beginning my use of unscientific terms trying to explain my situation. As a young boy of fourteen / fifteen years, I suffered from back pain from time to time, more precisely in the lower back. Sometimes these pains became quite intense, until I literally had to stay in bed. Growing up I experienced periods that were more favorable and others with more frequent relapses. About 10 years ago at work, I suffered a pain particularly strong, with the propagation of down the left leg. After a few hours I could not to raise my left foot, and lost sensitivity in some parts of the leg. I was diagnosed with a disc lesion, with small herniations in the lumbar and sacral area. From there began the real ordeal. I went to several different hospitals and was examined by different doctors. I could not find any treatment where the benefit would last more than a few weeks, and at the end not more than a few days. Through a friend, that I will never cease to thank, I heard of Comochiro and Dr. Brennan. Absolutely ignorant on the subject, I thought it must be some kind of witchcraft. Now discouraged by everything I had tried without lasting benefit, I agreed to try it the "chiropractic". I immediately had positive results, almost unbelievable. The doctor helped me to understand what were my postural errors in every day life, and what precautions to use to help me get out of that tunnel of suffering in which I was stuck. At the beginning, the sessions were frequent, now every six months I return to get a "check-up". My problems have not disappeared completely, but at least now I can live a normal life where I can do physical exertion and sports that until recently I no longer believed would be possibile. I was so pleased for the positive effects I gained that I brought my mom of 62 years of age. She, who suffered almost forty years of back pain finally lives without those annoying pains that accompanied her all this time.
Mr. A.Z. Pordenone (PN)
Mr. A.Z. Pordenone (PN)

After a prolonged experience with traditional medical management without success, in October 2013 I had my first appointment with Dr. Brennan. I decided to go to him (skeptically) thanks to my friend, already a satisfied patient. At the first visit the doctor said that the situation was quite serious. After four sessions, I remember that day with joy, I realised that I could finally walk, stay seated more than usual and sleep through the night without pain. And the most beautiful thing, I did not take any more drugs. Before discovering Chiropractic I had lost hope of being able to live normally. I live much better now.
Ms D.I. Sovico (MB)
Ms D.I. Sovico (MB)

Years ago I suffered constantly from pain in the neck so I was often forced to take painkillers.
I was advised of the Chiropractic clinic in Como from acquaintances who frequented the clinic. After a visit by an orthopedist the chiropractor proposed a number of weekly sessions at the end of which I noticed a significant improvement in wellbeing. From that time I need just two sessions a year (spring and autumn) to stay healthy.
Mr. S.Z. Buscate (MI)
I was advised of the Chiropractic clinic in Como from acquaintances who frequented the clinic. After a visit by an orthopedist the chiropractor proposed a number of weekly sessions at the end of which I noticed a significant improvement in wellbeing. From that time I need just two sessions a year (spring and autumn) to stay healthy.
Mr. S.Z. Buscate (MI)

I arrived at dr. Brennan's door thanks to a doctor friend who directed me there as a result of the persistence of a violent pain, which prevented even me from being able to dress independently: it was 2005, the anti-inflammatory / pain medication by now were of little use. I have always practiced trekking, even at altitude, and my back pain prevented me enjoying the exercise.
I was struck, at the time, by the disciplinary approach that characterizes chiropractic: dr. Brennan, after the preliminary visit with other specialists, illustrated to me the path that he had outlined for my case. I gave my assent and he immediately provided for a series of treatments, first weekly and later less frequent.
At the end of the second session, and I'll always remember, I felt so relieved, so good, that regardless of all the subsequent commitments I had that day, I went for a walk on the lake Como shore promenade. It had been a long time since I felt so ... little pain ....!
During the years I have not been a model patient: on some occasions I have, alas, missed a few appointments (I was now at point of a check-up every six months) then paying the price for this lack of attention to myself: return of the pain ... I learned, on my own skin that continuity of treatment over time, as indicated by the specialists, is the only way to recover a functional lifestyle. Furthermore, over time, it decreases significantly the need for pain medication that can cause problems, for example, to the stomach of which today I still harbor the signs.
Also excellent chiropractic rehabilitation for my two surgeries of "carpal tunnel". I recovered very well my motor function and am able to use both hands normally.
In 2012, I was infected by a bacterium (this was discovered later) I had such violent pain in the back, that would not allow me to stand up. While doing specialist visits and analysis, it was found - among others - a crushed disc between the V and IV vertebra, I resorted to the chiropractic treatments of dr. Brennan which allowed me to be able to move with a cane and, in the months following, without. The pain had appeared after a two-day hike in the mountains, and in the space of less than a year, I would suffer splenic abscesses caused by the bacterium and then I would have to undergo replacement surgery of an aortic valve. The bacterium had also given me an asymptomatic myocarditis.
During those long months of violent physical pain the chiropractic sessions were very supportive.
Now I continue with attention, the program outlined by dr. Brennan that even post heart surgery, has proved a great benefit good body equilibrium and, most important, peace of mind.
Ms C.V. Lentate s / Seveso (MI)
I was struck, at the time, by the disciplinary approach that characterizes chiropractic: dr. Brennan, after the preliminary visit with other specialists, illustrated to me the path that he had outlined for my case. I gave my assent and he immediately provided for a series of treatments, first weekly and later less frequent.
At the end of the second session, and I'll always remember, I felt so relieved, so good, that regardless of all the subsequent commitments I had that day, I went for a walk on the lake Como shore promenade. It had been a long time since I felt so ... little pain ....!
During the years I have not been a model patient: on some occasions I have, alas, missed a few appointments (I was now at point of a check-up every six months) then paying the price for this lack of attention to myself: return of the pain ... I learned, on my own skin that continuity of treatment over time, as indicated by the specialists, is the only way to recover a functional lifestyle. Furthermore, over time, it decreases significantly the need for pain medication that can cause problems, for example, to the stomach of which today I still harbor the signs.
Also excellent chiropractic rehabilitation for my two surgeries of "carpal tunnel". I recovered very well my motor function and am able to use both hands normally.
In 2012, I was infected by a bacterium (this was discovered later) I had such violent pain in the back, that would not allow me to stand up. While doing specialist visits and analysis, it was found - among others - a crushed disc between the V and IV vertebra, I resorted to the chiropractic treatments of dr. Brennan which allowed me to be able to move with a cane and, in the months following, without. The pain had appeared after a two-day hike in the mountains, and in the space of less than a year, I would suffer splenic abscesses caused by the bacterium and then I would have to undergo replacement surgery of an aortic valve. The bacterium had also given me an asymptomatic myocarditis.
During those long months of violent physical pain the chiropractic sessions were very supportive.
Now I continue with attention, the program outlined by dr. Brennan that even post heart surgery, has proved a great benefit good body equilibrium and, most important, peace of mind.
Ms C.V. Lentate s / Seveso (MI)

I can tell you that at first I was very doubtful. Lucky for me, I insisted on coming to dr. Brennan and gradually I began to realize that I was improving. Especially since I decided to come more often. Now I feel better, am more equilibrated and I live well with my situation.
Mr. A.M. Morbio Inferiore (TI)
Mr. A.M. Morbio Inferiore (TI)

By now I had resigned myself to walk around with a cane!
In the last two years I had heard the opinion of four different surgeons about surgery for my back and each one had frightened me to the point that I had given up on any kind of intervention (there was not one that agreed with an other) that might leave me immobilized or with other problems. I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and discopathy between the 4th and the 5th vertebra, I could not sit still, it was hard to walk and I sometimes got blocked in bed with severe pain.
Then one day, my antiquarian in Como, seeing me walking with a cane and after listening to the reason for my poor state, began to talk about a dr. Brennan, who received at Chiropractic Como, saying that surely he would be able to solve my problems. But I was skeptical, disappointed and resigned from the previous experiences of manipulation that had tried without any benefit. The antiquarian insisted so much that in the end, almost to please him, I went to the clinic.
From that first skeptic moment that I entered the office of dr. Brennan, with the cane and left without, convinced me that I was on the right track, so I decided to follow the treatment plan and in a few months, went back to being an almost normal person.
This was how I discovered that my problem was due not only to compression of the discs, but also to a tension of the spine. No surgeon had previously suggested such a thing and I do not think it was a operable defect, so I did well not to go under the knife.
I understood over time, the methodology of dr. Brennan and his colleagues. Similar to a pool table, to pocket the ball after the third bank, you have to set the movement of the ball so that it goes where it needs to go after three rebounds. That is how I was treated. Dr. Brennan, diagnosed my problem through various kinesiological tests, then intervened manually on the spine and muscles with micro actions, that in turn procures a reaction which puts the whole system into "equilibrium".
So no reaction, no traumatic manipulations, no devastating medicine, but something simple and effective that I went back to walk the streets of the world without a cane.
Now that I have found the solution to my problems, I get a check-up 3 or 4 times a year and if I happen to go "out of line", I arrive bent over double and I go out trotting.
In recent years, I have recommended this method to several friends with similar problems or post trauma conditions, and now enjoy their gratitude, as I am grateful to my antiquarian in Como.
Mr. G.S. In giro per il mondo...
In the last two years I had heard the opinion of four different surgeons about surgery for my back and each one had frightened me to the point that I had given up on any kind of intervention (there was not one that agreed with an other) that might leave me immobilized or with other problems. I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and discopathy between the 4th and the 5th vertebra, I could not sit still, it was hard to walk and I sometimes got blocked in bed with severe pain.
Then one day, my antiquarian in Como, seeing me walking with a cane and after listening to the reason for my poor state, began to talk about a dr. Brennan, who received at Chiropractic Como, saying that surely he would be able to solve my problems. But I was skeptical, disappointed and resigned from the previous experiences of manipulation that had tried without any benefit. The antiquarian insisted so much that in the end, almost to please him, I went to the clinic.
From that first skeptic moment that I entered the office of dr. Brennan, with the cane and left without, convinced me that I was on the right track, so I decided to follow the treatment plan and in a few months, went back to being an almost normal person.
This was how I discovered that my problem was due not only to compression of the discs, but also to a tension of the spine. No surgeon had previously suggested such a thing and I do not think it was a operable defect, so I did well not to go under the knife.
I understood over time, the methodology of dr. Brennan and his colleagues. Similar to a pool table, to pocket the ball after the third bank, you have to set the movement of the ball so that it goes where it needs to go after three rebounds. That is how I was treated. Dr. Brennan, diagnosed my problem through various kinesiological tests, then intervened manually on the spine and muscles with micro actions, that in turn procures a reaction which puts the whole system into "equilibrium".
So no reaction, no traumatic manipulations, no devastating medicine, but something simple and effective that I went back to walk the streets of the world without a cane.
Now that I have found the solution to my problems, I get a check-up 3 or 4 times a year and if I happen to go "out of line", I arrive bent over double and I go out trotting.
In recent years, I have recommended this method to several friends with similar problems or post trauma conditions, and now enjoy their gratitude, as I am grateful to my antiquarian in Como.
Mr. G.S. In giro per il mondo...

70 years of marriage.
23 years of maintance care.
It's never too late.
Mr. A.S., Mrs. L.D.P. Milano (MI)
23 years of maintance care.
It's never too late.
Mr. A.S., Mrs. L.D.P. Milano (MI)
The above stories are the unpleasant experiences of patients who had lost their normal neurophysiological and biomechanical locomotor equilibrium.
The recovery of well-being was possible thanks to the restoration of normal neurophysiological and biomechanics, permitting dis-inflammation of irritated tissues and healing of lesioned tissue. The awareness of the cause of symptoms and proper care and management of the cause by following the treatment plan prescribed, both in the clinic, and at home, work and play allows recovery and reduces the risk of a symptomatic relapse.
The recovery of well-being was possible thanks to the restoration of normal neurophysiological and biomechanics, permitting dis-inflammation of irritated tissues and healing of lesioned tissue. The awareness of the cause of symptoms and proper care and management of the cause by following the treatment plan prescribed, both in the clinic, and at home, work and play allows recovery and reduces the risk of a symptomatic relapse.
To better understand the pathology click here.